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Advantages and Disadvantages of using an external wiki

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Saved by Dave Foord
on January 30, 2008 at 2:36:20 pm

 Advantages and disadvantages of using an external wiki over an internal hosted one


Advantages of an external wiki over an internal one


  • Which you choose depends on how you're using the wiki: If the whole of the course taking place in the wiki it's a VLE in itself. And an external one might give you enough flexibility
  • Supported in-house by IT department - they may be able to add or limit features as you require
  • Possiblity of internal failiure - how good are college or universitiy back up protocols (having been stung on at least 4 occassions when back up procedures have failed)





Disadvantages of an external wiki over an internal one

  • You may have space limitations (but you could always create more than 1 wiki and then link them together)
  • Possibility of external tech failure (like when educspaces announced it was closing in the middle of people's blogging-based courses - luckily it was saved, but it's a message!)
  • Which you choose depends on how you're using the wiki - if is it just a small part of a course using technology it may sit naturally within the institutional VLE and the wiki available within that
  • The provider may start charging for the use of the service

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