Best Practice in using Twitter in Teaching and Learning

4 Steps to Twitter


Add your suggestions for Twitter tasks, activities, projects and assessments to the boxes below. Add them to the most relevant stage of learning. Don't forget to add your name as a contributor below!




Active Induction

Tutor instructs, student accesses, socialisation, peer and tutor interactions, range of diagnostic/formative assessment

Guided Exploration Tutor guides, student extends, knowledge exploration, range of peer and tutor interactions, range of assessments

Facilitated Investigation Tutor coaches, student adopts, knowledge construction, peer/ tutor/external interactions, tutor/student-designed assessment

Self-organised Learner

Tutor facilitates, student integrates, independent understanding and skills peer/ tutor/external interactions, student designed assessment, presentation of portfolio





E-Learning is designed with 4 phases that supports, scaffolds and increases learner independence with a range of active tasks, activities and projects, e.g.,

1. Students tweet expectations at start of learning programme

2. Students invent words and definitions beginning with twitt... and tweet

3. Students use hashtag to sort relevant tweets

4. Open a Twitter account and follow @{coursemoderator} and @{coursename} accounts*.

5. Send several tweets about yourself to create a stream that others can see to get to know you*

6. Tweet one thing which is going well in your organisation & one thing which you are keen to improve. 



1. Students access case study and tweet questions/comments

2. Students use range of tools with Twitter

3. Complete a twitter circle*

4, Follow famous tweeters*

5. Students decide on project topic and tweet to tutor

6. Tweet a url that reference a point or supports an idea


1. Students tweet summary of learning

2. Students tweet questions/ideas to peers in order to achieve learning activities

3.  Students share updates and further resources to peers

4. Students deliver project presentation via Dimdim – audience tweet questions, comments, feedback

5. Tutor follows Student tweets on laptop while teaching

6. Students Tweet an opinion or defend a side


1. Students tweet reflections on learning.

2. Students tweet evaluations of learning programme

3. Students tweet reflections on their learning – project topic and ILT skills
4. Students choose whether to continue Twitter group for peer support, learning and  social networking

5. students to summarise key points from a groups' tweets

6. students form study groups and support each other when stressed

7. planned community service on Twitter


E-Learning is assessed for learning and aims to empower and engage learners, e.g.,






*Further detail for for Active Induction Activity 5:


Further detail for Guided Exploration Activity 3:


Further detail for Guided Exploration Activity 4:


Thanks to the contributors:

Simon Ahern

Jane Whittaker

Jane Woods

Bridget Gormley 

Thomas Hunt

Rey Junco