
Collaborative working online

Page history last edited by Helen Walmsley 16 years, 6 months ago

Collaborative Learning Online with Wikis



  • One of the main uses of wiki is for simple project. You can create your own customized version of any wiki template simply
  • Think of this wiki as a shared online whiteboard. Your entire group can share information using this wiki, making your research accessible to everyone.
  • Play around with this wiki: Notice how you can add comments to a page, see what people have changed, and edit all the text.


Ideas for working in groups

A wiki has many affordances that will increase engagment and flexibility of your existing group activities. Here are some examples of group activities - could a wiki be used for any of them? Group collaborative activities


Examples of existing wikis used for education:

  • WikiHow -wikiHow is a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest how-to manual. This one is really interesting.
  • Deer Valley HS Track Team Wiki -Wikis are great for managing a team or group activity. This is the team wiki for a local high school. The other coaches haven't caught on to it yet, but the student athletes love it.
  • Blended Learning Wiki -Resources for teachers and learners interested in networked and blended learning
  • WriteHere.net is a community for creative people and a project to learn about creative works.
  • Sporty40 Adventures -Group adventure wiki maintain for and by a group of friends. The site is used to plan trips.
  • AQA Anthology is a new wiki started in a school in Kent.  It is a collaborative site where GCSE students and staff can explore poetry and revise is a variety of ways including podcasts, vodcasts and sketchcasts made either by the students themselves or found on the internet. (Requires registration with Wikispaces and approval from the wiki owners before you can view)


More examples can be seen here Examples 


Planning a group collaborative Wiki:

  • You may find a model useful to remind you of the essential stages in a good group activity, see one here: Wiki Models Page
  • A guide to planning any large actitivity is here: Planning a wiki activity
  • A guide to evaluating and assessing your wiki is here:  Assessment




  • Some ideas for using a wiki for creative collaborations for different ages and subjects are here: Activities Please add your own!

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