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Diana Wyatt

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Hello from Calderdale. We were partially underwater last week, but that's not the reason for the Frog image. We're implementing a new VLE in our High School which is called 'Frog' and I'm going to be managing the project. The Head wanted my title to be 'frogman' - but I'm the wrong gender. We've had a VLE for about four years now but it's not really come to life. The Frog interface looks more user-friendly so I'm hoping (not hopping) that it will improve the situation.


We started using wikis in the course I'm doing at Huddersfield Uni - a Foundation Degree in the Design and Development of E-learning. And one of the reasons we started doing this and also using 'eduspaces' was that using Blackboard was such a drag. Discussions were either very slow or didn't work. And with the wikis and blogs we could personalise our spaces.


I've introduced the use of wikis to the school and some of the teachers are now enjoying using them with their students.

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