Induction Ice-breaker Activities
Some suggestions for interesting, fun online ice-breaker activities. Please add your contributions, together with a short description below. Add your name to the list of contributors and thanks!
Create a monster name avator:
Montage-a-google is a simple web-based app that uses Google's image search to generate a large gridded montage of images based on keywords (search terms) entered by the user. Not only an interesting way of browsing the net, it can also be used to create desktop pictures or even posters
Guess-the-google reverses this process by picking the keywords for you, the player must then guess what keyword made up the image - it's surprisingly addictive
"Truth and Lies" is an effective activity for introducing a facilitator to a group, and participants to each other. It works well even if some participants know each other well already.
This site has loads of ideas
I've used the video clip (John West salmon ad) tucked into the beginning of a presentation on a few occasions and it always puts a group into a good mood and it still makes me laugh:
This is utterly silly but very funny As an icebreaker could see which students can get the highest score. Obviously as a sport science lecturer I could use this for teaching reaction times, trajectories, hand eye co-ordination - but the best thing is that it is 'Dangerous Dave!"
Thanks to our contributors:
Alison Trimble
Dave Foord
Hazel English
Mandy Staunton
Peter Tretheway
Martin Harmer
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