Online Conference
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last edited
by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago
Online Conference
- a series of online workshops, webinars, and/or online courses organised around a central theme with associated resources. The goal is to disseminate information, experience, and guidance to delegates about a chosen topic, and to provide a networking opportunity with like minded practitioners.
- Plenty of prior notice and time required to orientate before conference begins
- A mixture of timetabled simple synchronous and asynchronous activities.
- An opportunity to network both on and offline (delegate list, cafe area)
- An opportunity to discuss issues privately (breakout rooms)
- Lots of visible support (phone, email, chat, IM/skype, support documents)
- Follow similar rules to online support as Gilly Salmons 5 stage model.
synchronous ; chat, editing a wiki , presentations / whiteboards, webcasts - for keynote or plenary.
- Asynchronous; threaded fora - to keep a record of disucssions, , web quest,- treasure hunt, plenary as a reflective appraisal of the event
- A VLE/ any learning platform
- A suite of linked web 2.0 tools eg. A discussion forum , wiki, surveymonkey, youtube, googlescholar, ning, twitter, MSN, Ecto - for example.
Online Conference
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