
Online Short Course

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Online Short Course



  • A series of (accredited or non-accredited) academic and training events each with specific learning outcomes leading to a general learning outcome following prescribed aims/goals. Prepared resources and a range of activities scaffold the learning outcomes. Some activities may occur synchronously, some asynchronously and involve differing levels of interaction.   Level of learning and underpinning pedagogy depend upon outcomes, audience and award.



  • Course offers ample opportunities for interaction and communication student to student, student to instructor and student to content.

  • Course goals are clearly defined and aligned to learning objectives.

  • Learning objectives are identified and learning activities are clearly integrated.

  • Course provides multiple visual, textual, kinesthetic and/or auditory activities to enhance student learning.

  • Course provides multiple activities that help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Outcomes are assessed both formatively and summatively or negotiated if problem based.  Adherence to constructive alignment principles of course design ensures learning outcomes are assessed.

  • The self contained learning object model forms the basis of an online "course", namely;  (A) introduce theory to student, (B) student partakes in related knowledge embedding activity, (C) student self tests knowledge of theory,  repeat A, B, C if neccessary or onto new theory topic,  final summative assessment (if required).



  • A combination of synchronous - instant messaging/chat, IP voice call, webcast, video chat, presentations, shared whiteboards, texting, MMS, mobile access.
  • And asychronous - discussion fora - for social and academic purposes, email, assessments, wiki creation/edit, web quest or treasure hunt, projects -written/digitally constructed, blogging, reflective writing, poster presentations - create a website/personal space, social bookmarking, peer assessed/supported learning.
  • All activities promoting a move towards greater learner autonomy,  deeper learning (Bloom), and collaboration.  Again a social constructivist model is the preferred pedagogy.



  • open and closed questions
  • quantitative & qualitative feedback
  • collated official student survey
  • Quality review by peers and external auditors



  • A VLE or any learning platform with tracking facilities.


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