The Values Exchange
What is the Values Exchange?
Anyone age 10 up can share and research their values by using the Values Exchange. Simply register here: http://staffs.values-exchange.co.uk/
Students on a variety of courses characteristically engage with complex social and ethical issues in which the student`s personal values are explored and debated. The Values Exchange is a web-based software programme which allows students to examine topics of professional and social concern.
Through a series of five interactive screens, students address a proposal by way of exploring their individual views and feelings about a particular case. The students` responses are automatically collated in the form of values trends. These trends can be displayed instantly as graphs and reports. Students learn from the responses and contributions of others which promote professional ethical debate and encourage students to engage with a range of important moral issues.
• Supports deep thinking about social issues – interacts as you think
• Transparently reports everything everyone believes
• Answer a case to see everyone’s views - and to share yours with everyone else
• The more cases you do the more you learn
Sample cases:
ED-126 – Alternative approach to assessment?
Current assessment methods may not be appropriate for all students. We are considering a more innovative approach and invite wide feedback on this proposal.
It is proposed that a more mixed and frequent assessment model be adopted
ED-138 – Tax on Fast foodWe know that fast food is usually less healthy than other food, in particular it is generally high in fat. Obesity is a growing problem in the UK - taxation on fast food would target the issue without singling out individuals who are obese.
It is proposed that fast food should be taxed
H-131 – Inequalities in Health: Rationing healthcareNational Health Service resources are finite. Should people who engage in behaviours that make them ill - for example, people who smoke, drink alcohol or are very over-weight - be a lower priority for NHS care than others?
It is proposed that NHS treatment will be offered equally to people who have a lifestyle or behaviours that damage their health
How to use the Values Exchange
• Create your own subject-based cases for your own students and embed in curriculum.
• Create topical cases and engage students in wider debate to develop critical thinking skills
• Encourage students to propose cases from their own experience to encourage reflective practice
• Use as part of a problem-based or case-based learning curriculum
• Use as part of ethics teaching
• Use topical cases for socialisation and to develop group-working skills
Developers wish-list
Event 10-13 November 2008 Engaging Students in Ethical Cases with the Values Exchange
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